Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Solo Show at the Islip Public Library, running for the month of May

Starting Friday May 2nd, and running through the month of May, I have a solo show of my pastels at the Islip Public Library. I spent the better part of Friday hanging 20 paintings. It was a lot of work, but I'm hoping it is worth the effort. I think it looks great, the lighting is very nice, and I have an entire wall.
I'd like to give a great big hug and thank you to my very dear friend, Doug Broadhurst. He is the person that hooked me up with this library. He booked the show for me, what a great guy. I love you Doug, and Janet too! You guys are the best . Now, keep your fingers crossed for me, maybe something good will happen.....

I see by looking at these photos that there are two light bulbs out.... me thinks a visit to the library is in order. Can't view the show in the dark!


I was able to group the still life and florals together, which I think makes for a cohesive display (I put the one abstract I have with the still life, it seemed to look best this way):
Here is a photo of the landscape paintings grouped together:

Some photos of the artwork on display:




Pointy Bird Studio - Leesa Padget said...

Beautiful Christine, congrats and good luck :)

Christine DiMauro said...

Thank you so much Leesa!