Thursday, June 27, 2013

Robert Genn's twice weekly letter, "Make a List"

One more, this is an excerpt from Robert Genn's twice weekly letters dated October 30, 2012, and is titled "Make a List":

"Stepping into an environment with an open mind and no plan is possible.
Such a serendipitous attitude can surprise with joy and unforeseen
opportunities. But you can also be caught unprepared and blind to both
potential and problems. Just as walking right by a particular o...wl in a
certain kind of forest is possible, you need to know how to find what
you're looking for. Go out with a list.

A list from a recent mountain sortie suggests looking for:

+ Foreground design that echoes background design.

+ Large patterns of complexity and arbitrary abstraction.

+ Contrast of light and weather for potential drama.

+ Opportunities for neutralized and gradated grays.

+ Opportunities for high colour in counterpoint.

+ Authentic form, inside knowledge and specific detail.

Some artists may not find it necessary to write this sort of thing down
and keep referring to the items while shifting the easel. Beginning
artists, particularly, should write them down. For advanced and focused
artists, list items can be more automatic and burned into the creative
psyche. For all of us, self-briefing before going out or starting a
project sharpens artistic wit.

If you catch my drift, a list is the unseen backbone of passion. A list
gives work the appearance of effortless creativity. Make a list."

Wise words...

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